New Zealand

Joanna Quigan - Cyber Product Lead

Kia ora Joanna Quigan

With a naturally enquiring mind and a keen interest in staying up with the latest plays, Delta Insurance Cyber Product Lead Joanna Quigan has found herself just right where she belongs. After starting in insurance and working in various broker support roles, Joanna moved into underwriting on financial lines before blazing a trail in the then new-to-market Cyber product line around a decade ago, making her among the most experienced operators in this dynamic and demanding field.

While broking and broking support provided an ideal introduction, Joanna found her stride in underwriting, and Cyber appeals to her owing to its ever-changing nature, with a constantly evolving threat landscape keeping cybersecurity solution providers and insurers on their toes.

Coming on board at Delta Insurance back in 2019, initially as a Senior Liability Underwriter, Joanna rapidly made her presence felt and by 2023 added Cyber Product Lead to her responsibilities. Personally aligned with Delta’s philosophy of finding solution for clients, Joanna has built a reputation for service and continues building her skills in cyber while providing support and mentorship for up and comers within the company.

Viewing cyber as an increasingly essential component of every company’s liability cover, she’s overseen the development of Delta’s offering; while contributing to broker and market education so intermediaries and their customers are aware of the risk, and the necessity for effective mitigation.

Describing cybersecurity as a hot topic, Joanna notes that government, boards of directors, company owners, and even the public are gaining an appreciation that the risks are real and present, rather than international and distant. The (in)famous ‘she’ll be right’ attitude is steadily giving way to a realisation that it is no longer if, but when cybercriminals come calling.

She loves the constant learning and challenge presented by the cyber environment. With dynamic and unique exposures, often industry-specific, she finds delivering insurance solutions rewarding, protecting not only financial interests, but reputations too. With Delta’s risk mitigation approach, Joanna works closely across multiple service providers to help prevent incidents for customers before they happen.

Outside the office, Joanna loves nothing more than spending time with family in their rural West Auckland home or exploring the rugged West Coast beaches together.

Connect with Joanna on LinkedIn.