New Zealand

Risk Management

Risk Management

No-one wants to go through the stress and hassle of a business-impacting incident. We can help you manage risk and exposure to keep unforeseen and unfortunate incidents to a minimum.


Lost business, reputational damage and time spent dealing with a claim are just some of the hidden costs your business can face after an incident. We'll help you mitigate this risk with our proven risk management strategies and insights.

Safety First

Increasingly we view our role as risk mitigators as well as insurers. We are firm believers in adopting risk prevention and mitigation practices that help avoid a loss in the first place.

We are keenly aware that while tangible losses can provide compensation, intangible losses – such as business interruption, reputation damage and other uninsurable events – sometimes cannot, and we know from experience that there is a significant impact on productivity and stress levels during and after an incident.

We would much prefer to help with the prevention over providing the cure.

A Mutually Beneficial Relationship

We believe that if we can invest in your business and provide you with free access to critical resources, then we will help you to mitigate risk and prevent a loss occurring in the first place, which is good for both of us.

Established Partnerships

We have established partnerships with many risk management experts that help our clients in areas such as cyber security, business continuity planning and online training for insurance liability risk.

Cyber Risk Management

In a world with ever-increasing reliance on technology, cyber threats to your business continue to grow. Cybercrime costs more than USD$1 trillion globally.

Many cyber insurance policies only provide an insurance solution. We go further by helping you and your business adopt a cyber risk strategy to reduce your risk.

We have partnered with a team of experts to provide you with cyber security services before, during and after a cyber incident.

Pre-loss Services

We can assist you in implementing a comprehensive proactive plan with our panel of experts, so that you can identify and assess your cyber risks and prepare a crisis management strategy, including:

Cyber risk assessment / Security audit

Endpoint detection

Shielding services

Crisis management / PR response

Incident response planning / business continuity planning

Information security policies and procedures

Claims Handling

Delta’s cyber insurance policy covers you for a wide range of risks and our team of experts will assist you with triage, crisis and reputation management, system and data analysis and restoration, and third-party claims.

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The following services are immediately available to you after a cyber attack with our Cyber Liability policy:

Business Interruption

If your IT systems are attacked, your staff may be unable to work and your customers unable to transact with you. We cover your loss of profit resulting from this.

Third Party Liability

From hacked personal information to accidentally emailing confidential information, your cyber policy covers claims by your customers and others for breaches of their privacy and the release of confidential information. It also covers social media risks, such as defamation.

Hacker Theft Cover

This provides cover where funds are stolen as a result of your network being hacked.

Public Relations Expenses

Cyber breaches hit the press every day, and urgent action may be needed to manage your reputation if it happens to you. We have specialist PR companies on hand to work with you through the crisis.

Data Forensic Services

An in-depth analysis of what has occurred, seeking 'root-cause' using investigative and forensic techniques. If required, staff can use 'chain of custody' processes to ensure the admissibility of evidence in a court of law.

Notification Services and Credit Monitoring

Many large-scale cyber attacks involve the theft of personal customer data for sale to fraudsters. We can arrange, where appropriate, for your customers to be notified and for their credit history to be monitored to prevent damage to them from identity theft.

Triage and Breach Consultation Services

When you notify a claim, we will appoint an IT specialist or a law firm, depending on the nature of the breach, to contact you to understand what is occurring and what services are needed for you to recover from the crisis. They can then manage the appointment of any additional specialists to assist.

Incident Response

The deployment of professional Incident Responders to an insured site to help coordinate and deal with the cyber security event. The focus is to contain the incident and resume business.

Mandatory breach reporting

Your policy provides cover for the reporting required in some areas (such as government and privacy) and preparing statements for media where relevant.

Post-loss Services

We don't close our file once a cyber claim has been resolved. If you've suffered a cyber incident, it may have exposed weaknesses in your cyber security or incident response plan. You might also be vulnerable to further attacks by the same cyber criminals. In the right circumstances, part of our claims response may be to assist with the cost of strengthening your cyber security and reviewing your emergency response plan.

Post-loss Services

We don't close our file once a cyber claim has been resolved. If you've suffered a cyber incident, it may have exposed weaknesses in your cyber security or incident response plan. You might also be vulnerable to further attacks by the same cyber criminals.

In the right circumstances, part of our claims response may be able to assist with the cost of strengthening your cyber security and reviewing your emergency response plan.