If you have any concerns or wish to make a complaint in relation to this policy, our services, or your insurance claim, please let us know and we will attempt to resolve your concerns in accordance with our Internal Dispute Resolution procedure. In the first instance, please contact:
Delta Insurance
Email: complaints@deltainsurance.co.nz
Telephone: +64 9 300 3079
Post: PO Box 106 276, Auckland 1143
We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint within 5 business days and do our utmost to resolve the complaint to your satisfaction within 10 business days, unless we require further information. In that case, we will agree on an alternate time frame with you.
If we cannot resolve your complaint to your satisfaction, you can escalate the matter to Lloyd’s General Representative in New Zealand:
Email: idrnz@lloyds.com
Telephone: +64 4 472 7582
Post: PO Box 5639, Wellington, New Zealand
Following receipt of your complaint, you will be advised whether your dispute will be handled by the Complaints team at Lloyd’s Australia, the Lloyd’s Complaints team in the UK, or what other avenues are available to you. A final decision will be provided to you within two months of the date on which you first made the complaint, unless certain exceptions apply.
If your complaint is not resolved in a manner satisfactory to you or we do not resolve your complaint within two months of originally receiving it, you may refer the matter to the Insurance and Financial Services Ombudsman (IFSO Scheme). The IFSO scheme can be contacted as follows:
Telephone: 0800 888 202 or +64 4 499 7612
Email: info@ifso.nz or via their website www.ifso.nz
Post: PO Box 10-845, Wellington 6143, New Zealand
Your complaint must be referred to the IFSO Scheme within 3 months of the final decision, unless the IFSO Scheme considers special circumstances apply. If your complaint is not eligible for consideration by the IFSO Scheme, you may be referred to the Financial Ombudsman Service (UK) or you can seek independent legal advice. You can also access any other external dispute resolution or other options that may be available to you.